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14 1st Floor B8 Khira Nagar,
Santacruz West Sv Road,
Mumbai 400054 M.S

Frequently Asked Question!

This is also obvious, but being able to state the price of your products quickly and confidently signals to potential customers that you’ve put some thought into your pricing and it’s worth what you’re charging. But now what happens when you sell in multiple countries and currencies? Take into account different prices for different retailers, the MSRP, and any discounts you have floating around and this question becomes a lot more involved than it looks.

f your visitors love your product idea and think the price is a steal, but cannot find the checkout button, you’re going to have serious problems. This should be simple enough. However, if you’re looking at your website with “old eyes”,  you might think your page is obvious. Have someone test your checkout while keeping this question mind. Ideally, your checkout buttons should be bold, attractive, and feature text with a strong call to action such as “Subscribe Today!” or “Start your Journey!” or whatever else might be most poignant to your niche.

For any online purchases, clearly stated return policies are crucial. As many as 91% of buyers say that a store’s return policy is a key factor in whether or not they make a purchase. There are also return policies for specific products, so confusing the general policy with the bathing suit policy might cause a customer service crisis down the line. Remember, people who experience bad customer service are about reach twice as many people as someone who had a good customer service experience with your company. 

Consumers love browsing options, so knowing about your product variants will either help clients find what they want, or let them know that there are lots of options for them to go through to find the perfect product for them. If your product information is fairly consistent, you can learn all of them without too much hassle.

This is definitely a question everyone will look for, and when it comes to internet savvy shoppers, the ease of contacting a company is a big plus. The takeaway: make contacting you simple and straightforward! Don’t bury your contact form at the bottom of the page or on some distant page. Instead, consider integrating a help widget that scrolls with the user. Have a chat box ready and available, perhaps even prompting people for discussion (this has been shown to increase conversion a ton!).

This plays a lot into trust, and for some niches, this goes a long way. If you’re positioning your business as the best source for a certain type of curation, product quality, or other parameter, you’ll likely need to list out some qualifications that will impress your visitors and drive home the feeling of authenticity. This can be done easily and quickly with a short about page, perhaps featuring your team members, their interests, and their backgrounds. This doesn’t need to be exhaustive, and in some cases, your businesses might not really need this. Generally though, having a heart-warming story behind your business helps people feel compassion and that your brand is human. 

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